Fri 31st August - Tue 4th September - Lawn Hill - Julia Creek

Day 47 (Fri 31/8/18)   Gregory Downs - Lawn Hill

Hot shower in the morning before leaving Gregory Downs, short 100km gravel road drive to Lawn Hill.  Set up camp and relaxed for the afternoon.

Lovely place, swam in the gorge just near our campsite, yes the gorge has crocodiles!  But we are assured by the rangers that they are all Freshwater Croc’s and more afraid of us than we are of them so swimming is perfectly safe!

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Day 48 (Sat 1/9/18)   Lawn Hill

Not in a hurry to get up, but after a while we were off for a bush walk.  a number of walks are available here.  Leading to a number of more lovely sights.

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More Swimming…

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Followed by a short guided cruise up the Gorge.

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Concern about Paul’s auxiliary battery, it looks like it has failed.  So all food and drinks transferred to our fridge.  Of course there is an issue with us as well.  The solar panels we use with all the scratch's and marks all over them no longer charge our battery… so we may need to leave early.  But with the car running for a a couple of hours and the lend of a working solar panel from our camping neighbours, Steve & Amy (, we managed to stave off a flat auxiliary battery and allow us to stay the full 4 nights as planned.

Day 49 (Sun 2/9/18)   Lawn Hill

Big Breakfast for Fathers Day.

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More swimming…  Oh, have I mentioned it is 33 degrees by 10am and 37 in the middle of the day!

Then we hired canoes to paddle up the 3km’s of the middle part of the gorge, lift the canoes out and traverse the rock for 40m and travel the following 3km’s to the upper gorge.  As this is spring fed the further up river you go the warmer the water becomes.  Reports from all of us list this as one of the best experiences on our trip.

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And some Steak and Pineapple Upside-down cake for dinner.

Day 50 (Mon 3/9/18)   Lawn Hill

Kate and Paul planned to get up early today and do the walk to the top of the escarpment to watch the sunrise… maybe tomorrow!

Relaxing day today.

Swimming to start…

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Some aerial footage…

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Day 51 (Tue 4/9/18)   Lawn Hill - Julia Creek

Kate and Paul were up early to do the escarpment walk in the dark to be up on top for sunrise, with some wonderful photos.

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Then onto the road to Julia Creek for 2 nights, they have some Artesian Baths and we need to get some washing done.

