Thu 28th August Simpson Desert – Birdsville

Day 11

Up in the morning and away we head back to Birdsville, should get there in one day.  More dunes, definitely more rutted on the up path this way but not losing any time really compared to coming out.  We had to come down the rutted path slowly anyway.

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Lunch at Big Red, aired up the tyres and headed the last 30 km’s (gravel road) back into Birdsville.  Tracey & I to the Police station to report a number of dead cattle and Kate & Paul to the local mechanic for an assessment on their car.

Initial car assessment…

       Paul: “I think there is something wrong with the Alternator”

       Mechanic: With $5 voltmeter,  “Well it doesn’t look like its charging very well”

       Paul: “I know, I couldn’t test the Alternator directly”

       Mechanic: “Nor can I, but I can order a new alternator and fit it, of course you could not drive at night and it could be ok for a while”

The upshot is that he actually had a compatible Alternator in his shop so will fit it on Friday morning.  As we no longer have time to cross the desert and get back for the races, this option is out.


So set up camp back at the Caravan Park, showers, check the cars over and dinner at the pub. 

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Assessing what we can do to fill in the days until the races.
