Sun 2nd & Mon 3rd May. Brisbane – Nindigully Hotel – Lightning Ridge

Sunday 2nd May

We departed late morning for the all day drive to Nindigully Hotel. 



Van towed well with no issues… except for me leaving a half can of drink on the van table at lunch, only realising 20kms down the road.  Yes I had to clean up throughout the van Sad smile

Arrived at Nindigully Pub just on dusk, driving into a fading sunset.



Could not believe the amount of vans parked along the river and around the pub… must have been 150.  Maybe because it was a long weekend or maybe just the amount of travellers – we shall see as we continue on.  Anyway a drink or two at the pub along with a meal.  The place has expanded somewhat since our last visit here in 2008.




Monday 3rd May

Next day, morning cuppa in the sunshine on the banks of Moonie RIver.

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Then we headed off to visit Thallon, where we just had to get a photo at the Francis Hotel!

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Surprisingly we find another hotel Smile   A quick stop at the Hebel Hotel… pub book tick off.

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Then on we go to or final destination today, Lightning Ridge.  Where we meet up with Robyen & James who will share our adventure for the next two weeks.



We have a bit of a tour around town, and down a mine…



Then to watch the sun set,  magnificent sight with a huge horizon.

