Thu 27th – Sun 30th May. Mt Pleasant Rest stop–Norsemen–Rest stops–Kalgoorlie

Thursday 27th May

With 640km’s to go to Norsemen (COVID testing location) we got away early with the idea of getting a large portion of this done today.  So a big travel day.

Just over an hour into our trip we hear on the news that WA, as at 10am, have closed their borders to anyone who has been in Victoria in the last 10 days.  This would have been us, had we arrived at the border today we would have been told to turn around.  Soooo lucky to arrive yesterday!  We still have the matter of reaching a COVID test site within 48 hours though.


Starting to see some more wildlife again, Tracey managed to snap an Eagle on the side of the road.



Then we finally reach  “Australia’s Longest Straight Road”… after a lot of practice on the preceding 1000 plus km’s.  And probably not surprisingly it was a little boring.


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We set up camp again at a nice rest area, Mt Pleasant.  Another great spot to isolate.





Friday 28th May

Drove into Norsemen, headed to the hospital for our mandatory COVID tests.  All done, now onwards to the back of a quiet roadside rest area to “isolate” until receiving our results.



Saturday 29th May

Bit of rain overnight and with more forecast, it has forced us to move from a nice spot way down the back of a rest area out to the very front near the road. on a harder surface  Otherwise we would not have got out due to the soft boggy conditions starting to form.

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Interesting way to spend our isolation.  The spot out the back was away from everyone and would have been great but you can’t control the weather.

5pm – we all received SMS notification of Negative COVID test results.  Yeah!   So back to normality.



Sunday 30th May

As we no longer have to isolate we head into Kalgoorlie for a 4 night stay at a caravan park.  We can start on chores today and tour the place over the next few days.
