Mon 31st May – Thu 3rd Jun. Kalgoorlie

Monday 31st May

Wet drizzly day… but we still went out to tour the town, first stop the Super Pit Lookout.  The size of the pit is huge, especially when you consider the dump trucks in the photo below carry around 240t of rock (averaging a golf ball size of gold in each truck once it has been processed).



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Visited the goldfields museum which was well setup then lunch followed by a wander around the town, visiting some shops and looking at the local artwork placed selectively around town.  Surprisingly ended up at a pub, Exchange Hotel, for a couple of drinks – a little shock when the waitress served us… apparently skimpy week.

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Tuesday 1st June 

Second day in Kalgoorlie we start with the Super Pit Mine tour.  A tour behind the fences and through the mine area and a closer look at the Super Pit.  Unfortunately COVID policies precludes us getting driven down into the pit.  But what we saw and the info provided was very good.



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We found out that a Mine blast was scheduled later today so we ensured we were at the public lookout when it occurred.  Unfortunately wasn’t as spectacular as expected and just out of sight



Wednesday 2nd June

Day trip today north of Kalgoorlie.  visiting the town of Menzies, then to one of our pub book hotels, Grand Kookynie Hotel…

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Then down to Niagara Dam for lunch.  A dam built in in the 1890’s but never actually used as they found permanent water nearby, and based on the amount of water in the dam that was a lucky find.



We then travelled to Lake Ballard, which in itself was vast and well worth the visit.  But it also was home to the Gormley Sculptures, an artist had made these and placed them across the lake.

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Then some sunset photos and dinner at the Menzies Hotel.



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Thursday 3rd June

Last day in Kalgoorlie and being my birthday we had lunch and played some pool at another of our pub book hotels, the Broad Arrow Hotel and followed it with a fantastic dinner at DeBarnales restaurant and Canasta in the van.  A great day!



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Sorry too hungry to take photos before our entree or mains at DeBernales restaurant…  this was a great meal.

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