Mon 7th & Tue 8th November – Grampians National Park


Day 10

Up again to a bright day, later punctuated by showers and sunshine… changing half hourly.

On to our first track into the Grampians and we see some new fury animals, not the Kangaroos and emus we normally see and saw later this day as well, but little rabbits…

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Moora’s reservoir…


Paddy’s Castle…


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More fury friends…

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Baurang and Mackenzie Falls…

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Then camping just north of Halls Gap at Plantation Camping Area.



Day 11

Below 5 degrees overnight so up in the morning to sit in the sun (yes sun is here today) to breath in the warmth.  The difference in temperature from sun to shade is enormous.

First stop, a visit to an old historic quarry.. a short 2.4 km return walk, just the way to wake up.

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Then another longer walk to the Beehive falls.  Packed our lunch before we went so we could eat at the falls.  Enjoyed viewing and eating from a shady cave at the side of the falls

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then later in the day Boroka lookout, with a great view of the plains and Halls Gap.



Then camping at Wannon’s Crossing…


With of course roast lamb rack, roast potato's and vegetables followed by pudding and custard – just your normal camp food… Smile

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