Sat 5th & Sun 6th November – Apollo Bay to Cape Campbell to Dunkeld

Day 8

After a glorious day yesterday we woke to a windy, miserable day.  Just to get the extremes of the Victorian Coastal weather.


However, dressed for the occasions we still ventured back on to the Great Ocean Road and to sites along it, starting  with an aptly named Rainforest walk at Maits Rest.

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Then on the the “Most Significant Lighthouse on Mainland Australia”.  We already had the severe winds everywhere but here at the lighthouse it had already recorded 104 km/hr gust yesterday but the standard breeze was in excess 60 km/hr and at the top of the lighthouse (see Kate below) was over 80 km/hr.


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Then on to the 12 Apostles and Loch Ard Gorge…  And again the wind was constant. 

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So we opted to stop sight seeing the Great Ocean road a little early and grab a cabin/unit again rather than combat the strong winds – another good choice.



Day 9

Up to a brighter day, wind still prevalent but sun out – at least in patches.


The Arch, London bridge and The Grotto…

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The the Bay of Martyrs and Bay of Islands…

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Then with us moving inland towards the Grampians and the wind dropping off we were back to setting our camp up at a little free camp near Dunkeld.

