Wed 26th to Fri 28th July - Budapest
Day 17 - Wednesday. Prague to Budapest

After another delayed flight (the only one on the board delayed) we arrrived in Budapest. Shuttle bus to our accommodation, led into an absolutely rundown, falling apart courtyard wondering what have we booked... but again looks can be deceiving, the apartment was very nice.
Jake, Kate & Paul's son lived here in Budapest for quite a while so we are meeting up with him so that he can show us around. Great family reunion with Kate and Paul not having seen Jake for a couple of months. Jake is very passionate about this city and was fantastic in his knowledge and what to see and where to go.
With a little rain this evening we kept close to our accommodation. Jake showed us a few interesting bars he has frequented in the past, we followed this up with Pizza and pasta for dinner... watching the Dart's World match play competition... strange how this can absorb your attention.
Day 18 - Thursday. Budapest
Jake taking on the role of tour guide for the day had us going by 10am. A walk up the hill to the Citadel, great views of Budapest.
Then into one of the natural hot spring baths around the city. This was great, many different hot pools, steam rooms, saunas etc. we spent a few very relaxing hours here.
Followed by a very nice meal at a river front restaurant. More touring around the city with an afternoon coffee at the ZooCafe
Back for a rest as Jake has organised a 10pm night cruise on the Danube River.
Cruise was fantastic, some wine tasting although that was secondary to being on the top of the boat looking at the city at night. Thanks Jake for organising a wonderful day.
Then our musical walk home, Paul found a flower pot piano and well...
Day 19 - Friday. Budapest
Last day with Kate and Paul. We fly out to Copenhagen after lunch, Kate & Paul spend a couple more days here in Budapest before flying out to Brussels then the UK. So a relaxing, late morning start... especially after a 3am finish the night before.
Then a final celebratory lunch together. Thanks Kate and Paul for being wonderful travel mentors and partners to our first big overseas trip. It has been exciting, a little eye opening but altogether fantastic to do it with great friends.
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