Fri 10th - Sat 11th August - Canning Stock Route

Day 26  (Fri 10/8/18)    Durba Springs  -  Georgia Bore

Left around 8am after a lovely rest day in the sun, although today is cloudy and windy so lucked in with the rest day.
Doesn’t take long to meet up with the locals again..  then on to Well 18.

  P1120331  DSCF7201

  DSCF7212  DSCF7219

Then crossing the Tropic of Capricornia…


Well 19 and Well 20.  Well 20 is a 20km diversion and we are in fuel conserve mode, so we all looked at the photo in the book instead..

  DSCF7221  DSCF7278-2

Might be flooded further north but Savoury Creek (Salt water) and Lake Disappointment have very little water.

  DSCF7235  DSCF7239

  DSCF7246  DSCF7253

  DSCF7261  P1120342

On to Well 21 and further obstacles on the road.

  DSCF7273  P1120352


  DSCF7285  P1120365


Well 22 and then Georgia Bore for a camp this evening.

  P1120375  DSCF7311

Travelled 180km’s today and passed 5 groups (2 x singles, 2 x 2’s & 1 5 car group) all going the other way.  With this amount of traffic it doesn’t seem so remote.

Day 27  (Sat 11/8/18)    Georgia Bore  -  Well 24  (via Parngurr and  Well 25)

The CSR is still flooded and impassable at Well 25 but we want to have a look at the flooding, thus we plan to drive up to Well 25 and back.  But we need some fuel soon!!  So along with some details we have just found out about a big funeral at Parngurr Aboriginal Community tomorrow and our fuel calculations showing we would be very tight to go up to Well 25 and back before fueling up, we decide to detour the 165km return to Parngurr Aboriginal Community today to get fuel first.  At $3.20/lt and both getting around 180L the hip pocket hurts out in these parts.
Then back to Georgia Bore and along the CSR again towards Well 25…  The water bringing out all the desert flowers…

               P1120386      DSCF7384

 P1120381  DSCF7372

Well 23

  DSCF7356  DSCF7359

 DSCF7353  P1120379


Well 24

  P1120383  P1120385

And it was difficult to fathom how the CSR could possibly be impassable until we arrived…

   DSCF7379  DSCF7400

  DSCF7401  P1120391

   DSCF7403  P1120408

  DJI_0106  DJI_0105

  DJI_0116  DJI_0104

Then back to Well 24 to camp.  All alone,  big fire, wine, music and dancing under the stars.

 DSCF7414  P1120415

 P1120419  DSCF7417

Travelled 260 km’s today and passed 2 other group coming the other way including the Pilbara recovery team to collect a 4wd with a broken diff between Well 20-21, something like $20000 charge to recover!
