Mon 20th - Wed 22nd August - Canning Stock Route Completed

Day 36  (Mon 20/8/18)    Stretch Lagoon - Rest Day

Rest day today so up a little later and a fantastic savoury damper with ham and cheese along with a cheese fondue to dip it in.  Followed by haircuts, blog updates and showers…

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And bird watching…

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Travelled 0 km’s today and passed no cars.

Day 37  (Tue 21/8/18)    Stretch Lagoon -  Beyond Halls Creek (Warmun Roadhouse)

Canning Stock Route COMPLETED.  AND we hit the bitumen for the first time in 3 weeks.

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Just to top off my run with tyres, the brand new Cooper tyres with less than 2000 kms on them started to split in the sidewalls as well… we got another puncture, presumably from the Halls Creek Rubbish tip as we noticed the slow leak filling up.  Fixed the puncture but were advised to see the Cooper dealer in Kununurra for a warranty claim if possible on the tyres.

Lovely camping on a little bit of grass and a meal at the Roadhouse… Yah! no cooking or cleaning.

Day 38  (Wed 22/8/18)    Warmun Roadhouse -  Kununurra

Breakfast at the roadhouse then drive into Kununurra for 4 nights in an apartment to refresh and clean-up.

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