Tue 7th - Thu 9th August - Canning Stock Route
Day 23 (Tue 7/8/18) Well 12 - Well 15
Due to Paul’s sand flag issues… ie. getting caught in the trees. He has carefully and strategically considered all options and worked on combining solutions from all inputs to come up with a modified design for his sand flag. In other words he has taped the flag closer to the centre of the car rather than on the corner where it was caught by every close by tree.
Then out on to the track again, although as we are not travelling far today… time to take in the little things.
At Well 13, stop to check on a rattle underneath... no issues.
More track pic’s and Well 14…
Well 15
Well 15’s water was so clear we treated ourselves. Showers for all!!
Travelled 71 km’s today and passed 2 other single car groups coming the other way.
Day 24 (Wed 8/8/18) Well 15 - Durba Springs
Refreshed after our showers yesterday and a lovely and quiet campsite we again hit the track… and some more corrugations. Even in the sand the corrugations are there.
More local wildlife…
Then we arrive at Durba Springs… WOW!! Best campsite by far. An oasis in the desert.
Travelled 70 km’s today and passed 3 other groups (1,9,2) coming the other way.
Day 25 (Thu 9/8/18) Durba Springs (Rest Day)
Rest days always start with a cooked breakfast. Today it is bacon and pancakes.
Took the drone for a fly, this shows the scenery and our campsite.
A relaxing day with Roast Pork for dinner and playing Canasta under the stars
Travelled 0 km’s today and passed 2 other groups 1 single car coming the other way and 1 5 car tour group going the same direction.
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