Fri 17th - Sun 19th August - Canning Stock Route

Day 33  (Fri 17/8/18)    Well 39  -  Well 44

The starkness of the desert as we cross a dry lake…


Well 40 and Tobin’s grave.

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Well 41

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Well 42, 43 & 44.  Not much to see.

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Then on to camp in the scrub north of Well 44, of course the customary firewood collection and preparation.

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Travelled 141 km’s today and passed 1 single car coming the other way.

Day 34  (Sat18/8/18)    Well 44  -  Well 48

Overnight temperatures are starting to improve, Tracey is very happy.  Day time temperatures have been above 30 for the last few days.

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Well 45                                                                               Well 47 - we skipped this…

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Well 46, where we came across group of 5 cars camped at the Well.  One of the utes has had its camper come loose and they were attempting to find a solution so that they could continue onwards.

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And lunch on a small hill with 360 degree views.


Then on into Braeden Hills

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Then to Well 48, again not much left but afterwards to one of our best (and worst campsites). 

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Best as it was spectacular, sunset over the desert with the changing colours of the escarpment along with the surrounding scenery were unbelievable, even the evening temperature didn’t drop below 20 degrees.  But the wind picked up significantly during the night and as we were very exposed the tent copped a beating, not much sleep was had by anyone.   But the memory of the views allow us to forget the bad night.

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Travelled 145 km’s today and passed 1 five car group and 1 single car coming the other way.

Day 35  (Sun 19/8/18)    Well 48  -  Stretch Lake

Due to the wind we were up early and away quickly today.

Well 49 

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Then while out collecting some firewood at a campsite, I managed to unknowingly step past the nose of a 6 foot King Brown snake, only realised when I turned around a few paces further on.  A little bit shaken for how close I got without knowing.

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Moving on…

Well 50

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And finally the last Well built for the Canning Stock Route… Well 51, serviced by a windmill which looks like it has not been connected for decades.

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then on to our last campsite on the CSR, Stretch Lagoon.  With a relaxing day off tomorrow.

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Travelled 157 km’s today and passed 1 two car group going the same way, one of which had broken front shocks.  There seemed to be a lot less cars on the northern half of the CSR than the southern half.
